May the God of endurance and encouragement grant us to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6
Scriptural Basis
We believe the Church is spiritual and universal in time and place, as well as visible and local. So when we’re talking about church membership, we’re talking about the process of identifying those who are members of Christ’s body in our local context. Paul in chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians is writing to a local church in Corinth where he is imploring the church to be connected and committed to each other. Just as the physical body must be connected and committed in order to function correctly, so too, the local church must consist of members connected and committed to one another.
In other words, Paul is calling the Corinthian believers and us to live according to their membership in Christ’s body. Because the Christian is in Christ, we are members of one another. Therefore implementing some form of identifiable connectedness is our attempt to be faithful to the Scriptures. We are convinced that by implementing a more formal membership at Roots, we will be able to live and function in ways that are more faithful to the biblical reality of our union with Christ and therefore our life together as His Body.
For more information on membership at Roots, take a listen to our past Church Membership sermon series and read through our Full PDF Booklet.
Steps Toward Membership
While the principal of meaningful membership is vital to the health of our local church, the process itself is very simple.
Attend membership classes
Affirm both the Statement of Faith and Church Covenant
Meet with a pastor
Recognition on a Sunday morning
To get started, fill out this Membership Application and we’ll follow up with you when we receive it!