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Staff and Ministry Leads

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. Psalm 127:1



Laura Hashimov

Women's Ministry Director

I have lived my whole life in Costa Mesa, so I am deeply grateful to have found a church that is theologically rich, welcoming, and God glorifying right in my backyard. I have been attending Roots for around 7 years, and in that time, God has continued to build a deep love for his church while teaching me what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Commitment to a specific and local church has been one of the most spiritually formative experiences of my life, and I am thankful for every year God has given us together.

I attended Vanguard University and then continued to University of California, Irvine to earn my MA in English. I currently teach high school English locally, and I’m passionate about educating and mentoring young people in their teenage years. In 2018, after years of participating in Roots activities, the elders asked me to lead the Women’s Ministry and join the leadership team. The rich, family-like, community at Roots drew me in, and I’m grateful to serve alongside elders who strive to continue that strong fellowship among the members of our church. In the Roots Women’s Ministry, I pray God will grow women who are transformed by intimacy with the Father, passionate about his Word, and dedicated to serving and supporting one another.


Malia BuddRoots_WebsitePhoto6_RF_v1

Biblical Counselor

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

This truth has seen me through every season of life: times of joy and sorrow, strength and weakness, pride and humbling lessons.  God has gently and patiently taught me how transformative his grace really is. Where I thought I was the Captain of my ship, God has been humbly washing my feet and teaching me of an even greater way.

I was raised near Joshua Tree Calif and married my high school sweetheart, Dylan Budd, nearly 20 years ago.  We then moved to Orange County to complete our undergraduate degrees while having 4 children and planting a church. As a pastors wife, mother, and student, I frequently saw my own sin and physical limitations. God has used those limitations and weaknesses to give me a strong desire to seek what is the source of life, peace, and joy. How do people change and grow in God? God has used his word, his people, and the content and resources of CCEF to disciple me. In the Spring of 2023 I completed the Formations and Essentials certificates from CCEF and plan to pursue my Masters from Westminster Theological Seminary in Biblical Counseling. Through these means I’ve been learning that the word of God is so much more robust and comprehensive to real life problems than I ever knew possible. I’ve grown to see more clearly that our Creator is not a distant and uncaring God but rather near, tender and endearing. He is a God who walks and moves among us and gives us the greatest gift of all, namely himself.

"And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another". 2 Corinthians 3:17-18


Sierra WilliamsRoots_WebsitePhoto2_RF_v1

Children's Ministry Director

I grew up in Orange County and was raised by my mom. I had some knowledge of who Christ was in my childhood years, but it wasn’t until I turned 17 that He saved me at a small church in Buena Park. I am so thankful to God that He uses the storms of life for our good and His glory. It was during the storms of life that He saved my mom, and then my brother and myself. When the Lord saved my mom, she began praying that I would see the reality of my sin and need for Jesus. She knew my hard heart didn’t want to hear anything she had to say so she asked that the Lord would bring someone into my life who would share the gospel with me. About a year later I ran into an old friend named Cory who invited me to church with him. The Lord heard the cries of my mom and answered her prayers. The Lord saved me that year and in 2011, Cory and I got married. God has been faithful in our marriage and together we have three boys. We started attending Roots Community Church in 2016 and a year later I joined the children's ministry. Roots has been such a gift to my family and it has been a privilege to serve the body by helping with the little ones. What a joy it is to see these kiddos grow and be transformed by Him and His gospel.



Luke Bailey

Church Administrator 

I was born and raised in Southern California where I grew up in Camarillo. I went to The Master’s University for my undergraduate degree majoring in Kinesiology. Following my time there, I attended Chapman University for my Doctorate in Physical Therapy. I now work in a high school teaching and doing physical therapy for athletics.

Growing up in a Christian home I was faithfully and consistently taught the gospel. I count this a huge blessing in my life as my parents were influential in my eventual profession of faith in Christ. As I continued to grow, I began to serve more in the church in a variety of ways including worship, sound, hospitality, etc. I am grateful to now have an opportunity to serve the church administratively as well.

The move down to Orange County for grad school led me to find Roots, which I am extremely grateful for. My wife Caris and I now live in Costa Mesa along with our son Malachi. We are continuing to grow in love for each other and love for Christ and have been greatly encouraged by our community and the culture at Roots. 



Jolie Damaso

Church Administrator

I was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt until I was 11 years old when my family and I moved to Southern California. I grew up in a mix of a Protestant and Egyptian Orthodox family where I heard the gospel all my life, but was not truly transformed. Although I knew of Christ for many years, I strayed away from Christ to sin while still thinking I was a Christian. By God's grace, in late high school, He saved me, brought me to truly see my sin, and led me to true repentance. God mercifully took out my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh and has caused me to know Him and walk in His ways (Ezk. 26:25-27). My eyes were opened as I saw that Christ alone is my salvation and there is no amount of good works I could ever do to earn salvation or keep it. The Holy Spirit showed me through the Scriptures that the life of a disciple of Christ is to be marked by dependence upon Him, continued repentance, and taking up my cross daily. The Lord has been abundantly faithful to sanctify and mature me in my walk with Him as He reveals my weaknesses and His wonderful grace. I am encouraged to know that "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion on the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6). Jesus has been my faithful, patient, gracious, and kind Shepherd. He has been teaching me what it means to be his sheep and disciple, who basks in his gospel, and is therefore motivated to love and serve out of the love He has shown me. 

I married my sweet husband, Matt Damaso, in October 2023. Marriage has been an amazing blessing from the Lord as we mature in Christ-likeness together. The Lord has been faithful in our marriage and I am excited to see all that He will do in us! I am eager to spend the rest of my life with Matt, knowing Christ together and making Him known to others.

I am passionate about Biblical Counseling and one-on-one ministry in the body of Christ. I am currently pursuing my Masters Degree in Biblical Counseling, while also completing courses through CCEF. I am eager to grow in humility, wisdom, compassion, and love as I learn how Christ ministers to people.